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Whole House Water Filters

Whole House Water Filters

All wells have sediment ranging from dormant to fine silt to large suspended particles. Sediment causes the following problems:

  • Clogs water treatment

  • Clogs fixtures with screens such as washing machines, faucets, and dishwashers

Water filter

Sediment filters eliminate the largest of particles down to the finest of sediment.  Apple Plumbing, Heating, & Air recommends that all wells be equipped with one of the following sediment filters:

  • Single, in-line systems with DIY replacement for preventative- light sediment

  • Double, in-line systems with DIY replacement for light fine silt and medium to heavy sediment

  • Standalone, rinsing units for heavy silt and excessive sediment

Schedule your FREE Water Treatment Assessment and Estimate Today! Call us at 410-840-8118 or use the scheduling form on this page.

The assessment includes:

  • Water Quality Test for acid, hardness, nitrates, chlorine & iron

  • Equipment recommendations, sizing, and location

  • Well pump and tank inspection