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Apple Blog

Apple Plumbing Wins Maryland Breakthrough Business Award!

Ben Scheper


Baltimore, MD. June 6 2013. Apple Plumbing & Heating Inc., a full service family owned plumbing company located in Westminster Maryland, was awarded the Maryland Chamber of Commerce Breakthrough Business Award in the 11- 50 employees category on Thursday June 6 at the awards luncheon at Martin’s West in Baltimore. (see video below)

The Maryland Chamber of Commerce selects winners based on excellence in innovation, company growth, entrepreneurial spirit, competitiveness and contributions to the community.

In 2012, Apple Plumbing was awarded Small Business of the Year in the same category by the Carroll County Chamber of Commerce and was also voted the Carroll’s Best Winner in the plumbing services category in the annual Carroll County Times Reader’s Choice Awards.Since 1994, Apple Plumbing & Heating has provided plumbing services to families and businesses in Carroll, Frederick, Howard and Baltimore counties including services for well pumps, water treatment systems, water filtration, hot water heaters and more.